Wineskin Mac Steam
I am using WineStagingVulkan64Bit3.21 with wineskin, provided by Gcenx (post on the link is super useful if you are trying to build wine on mac).
Run the Wineskin wrapper (double-click or highlight and press Cmd + O, or etc) and get logged in to Steam, then Quit again. Right click the WineBottler bottle (.app) you have and press 'Show Package Contents', then go to Contents/Resources/wineprefix/drivec/Program Files/Steam/steamapps. Wineskin is a tool used to make ports of Windows software to Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (or later). Windows 7 glass energy blue theme download. The ports are in the form of normal Mac application bundle wrappers. It works like a wrapper around the Windows software, and you can share just the wrappers if you choose (that is the strategy used here). Kode lisensi sketchup 2015.
Everything seems to work, except the following issue:
- If I use Macdriver, game crashes directly with the error log below.
Wineskin Mac Steam Installer
Winebottler For Mac
- If I use x11 instead, game opens up. I have sound but a black screen. I can see the cursor of the mouse change to FrostPunk's cursor style. And I hear I can select things in menu if I move the cursor and click randomly. But I cant see anything in this case.How do I approach this? I am hoping this is something that can be handled using wine tricks or some configuration?